11. A country experiencing a significant balance-of-payments surplus would be  likely to
A. Expand imports, offering marketing opportunities for foreign  enterprises.
B. Unlikely to impose foreign exchange restrictions.
C.  Expand exports, offering international marketing opportunities for domestic  enterprises.
D. Both a) and b)
E. None of the above
12. Suppose the  McDonalds Corporation imports Canadian beef, paying for it by transferring the  funds to a
New York bank account kept by the Canadian Beef producer.
A.  Payment by McDonalds will be recorded as a debit
B. The deposit of the funds  by the seller will be recorded as a debit
C. Payment by McDonalds will be  recorded as a credit
D. The deposit of the funds by the buyer will be  credit
13. Since the balance of payments is presented as a system of  double-entry bookkeeping,
A. Every credit in the account is balanced by a  matching debit
B. Every debit in the account is balanced by a matching  credit
C. Answers a) and b) are both true
D. None of the above
14.  Suppose the InBev Corporation (a non-U.S. MNC) buys the Anheuser-Busch  Corporation, paying the
U.S. shareholders cash.
A. Payment by InBev will  be recorded as a debit
B. The deposit of the funds by the sellers will be  recorded as a debit
C. Payment by InBev will be recorded as a credit
D.  The deposit of the funds by the buyer will be credit
15. The current account  includes
A. The export and import of goods and services.
B. All purchases  and sales of assets such as stocks, bonds, bank accounts, real estate, and  businesses.
All purchases and sales of international reserve assets  such as dollars, foreign exchanges, gold, and
special drawing rights  (SDRs).
D. None of the above
16. A country with a current account  surplus
A. Acquires IOUs from foreigners, thereby increasing its net foreign  wealth.
B. Must borrow from foreigners or draw down on its previously  accumulated foreign wealth.
C. Will experience a reduction in the country's  net foreign wealth.
D. Both b) and c)
17. The capital account  includes
A. The export and import of goods and services.
B. All purchases  and sales of assets such as stocks, bonds, bank accounts, real estate, and  businesses.
All purchases and sales of international reserve assets  such as dollars, foreign exchanges, gold, and
special drawing rights  (SDRs).
D. None of the above
18. The official reserve account  includes
A. The export and import of goods and services.
B. All purchases  and sales of assets such as stocks, bonds, bank accounts, real estate, and  businesses.
All purchases and sales of international reserve assets  such as dollars, foreign exchanges, gold, and
special drawing rights  (SDRs).
D. None of the above
19. A country's international transactions  can be grouped into the following three main types:
A. current account,  medium term account, and long term capital account
B. current account, long  term capital account, and official reserve account
C. current account,  capital account, and official reserve account
D. capital account, official  reserve account, trade account
20. Invisible trade refers to:
A. services  that avoid tax payments
B. the underground economy
C. legal, consulting,  and engineering services
D. tourist expenditures, only



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