1. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

A. The idea of “one-man leadership” is a contradiction in terms

B. Leadership is a social influence process shared among all members of a group

C. Followers are part of the leadership process

D. Leadership is restricted to the influence exerted by someone in a

particular role

2. Among the following, ideal followers are more likely to be perceived as

A. Independent

B. Forward-looking

C. Inspiring

D. Innovative

3. Which of the following statements about “common sense” is false?

A. Effective leadership must be something more than just common sense

B. What seems obvious after you know the results and what you would have predicted beforehand are not the same thing

C. One of the challenges of understanding leadership is to know when

common sense applies and when it does not

D. The term “common sense” implies practical knowledge about life that

most people have not yet acquired

4. Which of the following statements is false?

A. One needs nothing more than common sense to be a good leader

B. Leaders need to recognize that others’ views are useful

C. Leaders need to recognize when times change and a new direction is

called for

D. One of the challenges of understanding leadership is to know when

common sense applies and when it does not

5. Being a leader is either in one’s genes or not. Which of the following

statement is true?

A. Innate factors more than formative experiences influence leadership

B. Leadership is either innate or acquired, not both

C. Typically most individuals can be categorized based on their innate

qualities as leaders and non-leaders

D. Each person can make the most of leadership opportunities he or she


6. Identify a myth associated with leadership development.

A. Good leadership is knowing when common sense applies and when it does not

B. Good leaders are born with the traits and abilities, which make them

successful leaders

C. You can only learn leadership by observing it

D. Learning to be a better leader depends on the richness of one’s

experience and the ability and desire to learn

7. Which of the following is not a common myth about leadership development?

A. Good leadership is all common sense

B. Leaders are born, not made

C. Leadership can only be taught

D. You can only learn leadership from experience

8. The change in organizational practices can be attributed to

A. Appointing women to leadership positions, which is a departure from past practices

B. The fact that womens’ attitudes have become similar to those of men

C. Womens’ self-reports of traits such as assertiveness

D. Legislation prohibiting gender-based discrimination at work

9. A trend toward less stereotypically masculine characterizations of leader- ship is representative of the fact that

A. Leadership roles have changed

B. Women themselves have changed

C. Organizational practices have changed

D. Culture has changed

10. Encouraging innovation, growth and development and redefined tasks and

responsibilities best describes a

A. Leader

B. Manager

C. Manager in a later stage of development

D. Leader-manager integrated role

A. Tend to accept the definitions of situations presented to them

B. Encourage growth and development in their followers in ways broader

than mere job training

C. Emphasize routinization and control of followers’ behavior

D. Motivate followers more with extrinsic, even contractual consequences, both positive and negative

12. Leaders

A. Work hard for cooperation

B. Give clear direction

C. Give overlapping and ambiguous assignments

D. Focus on control and results

13. Leaders, as compared to managers, tend to assess their followers’


A. Less in terms of personal criteria

B. More in terms of specific criteria

C. Less in terms of holistic criteria

D. More in terms of idiosyncratic criteria

14. Leaders redefine the parameters of tasks and responsibilities, both for

individual followers and for the entire group by all the following ways except

A. Taking a short-term perspective

B. Actively change the situations they are in

C. Through accentuating critical values

D. By marshaling energy to cope with some new threat

15. Which of the following statements concerning the manager’s role in

manager-follower-situation interactions is true?

A. Managers tend to reject the definitions of situations presented to them

B. Managers tend to assign broader rather than narrower tasks for follow- ers to perform

C. Managers assess their followers’ performance in terms of fairly general job descriptions

D. Managers make sure followers conform to policies or procedures

16. The most commonly cited developmental challenge mentioned by managers, which while adding to personal pressure, also contributed to professional growth are

A. Travel requirements

B. The responsibility of meeting deadlines

C. Tasks with the possibility of success and failure

D. Putting in longer hours at work

17. Successful executives mention all of the following as negative feelings while describing how they feel while working through potent developmental experiences except feeling:

A. Uncertain

B. Overwhelmed

C. Fearful

D. Challenged

18. In the process of “learning to learn from experience”, people operating in the stabilizing period must

A. Overcome the caution generated by ongoing success

B. Overcome the tension of challenging what they do not know how to do

C. Attempt at learning a new set of responses and strategies

D. Let go of short-term expectations in favor of more long-term learning

19. The content of leadership programs at the university-level

A. Gives subordinates feedback about their progress

B. Provides a survey of the major leadership findings

C. Focuses on strategic planning

D. Focuses on how to train subordinates

20. _____ consist of descriptions of various leadership situations and are used as a vehicle for leadership discussions.

A. Simulations

B. Role playing

C. Case studies

D. Games

21. What is the advantage of role playing as a leadership concept?

A. Individualized feedback to students through leadership behavior ratings

B. Depict the challenges commonly faced in the work environment

C. Used as a vehicle for leadership discussions

D. Greater transferability to the workplace

22. Improving interpersonal, oral-communication and written-communication

skills are a part of leadership training programs for

A. Mid-level managers

B. First-level supervisors

C. Colleges or universities

D. Maintenance personnel

23. This technique wherein participants are given a limited amount of time prioritize and respond to a number of notes, is particularly useful in assessing and improving a manager’s planning and time management skills.

A. Simulations

B. Role playing

C. In-basket exercises

D. Case studies

24. In leaderless group discussions, facilitators and observers rate participants, which are used to provide managers with feedback about their

A. Supervisory skills

B. Interpersonal skills

C. Planning skills

D. Time management skills

25. These represent the most sophisticated and expensive method for assess- ing leadership potential.

A. Internet measures

B. Structured interviews

C. Paper-and-pencil measures

D. Assessment centers

Leadership: Enhancing The Lessons of Experience
Sixth Edition, 2008
ISBN: 978-0-07-340504-9
McGraw-Hill/Irwin, New York, NY, 10020



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