The Origins of American Government

The Origins of American Government
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Questions 1 to 20: Select the best answer to each question. Note that a question and its answers may be split across a page
break, so be sure that you have seen the entire question and all the answers before choosing an answer.
1. Probably the main reason Africans, rather than Native Americans, became slaves in America was that
A. Indians passed North American diseases to the Europeans.
B. Africans were already adapted to slavery.
C. Indians were unable to master the work required of slaves.
D. Africans and Europeans shared immunities to Old World diseases.
2. In modern society, what do we mean when we refer to the division of labor?
A. The specialization of jobs in the medical field
B. The ways construction jobs are organized
C. Splitting work equally between two people
D. All the jobs people do are connected to other jobs.
3. People who travel to a different country and settle there are called
A. immigrants.
B. mercenaries.
C. cavaliers.
D. loyalists.
4. The purpose of the British Declaratory Act of 1766 was to
A. establish British fur-trading rights with the Indians.
B. place taxes on all British goods imported into the colonies.
C. proclaim the right of Britain to pass laws regulating the colonies.
D. repeal the Stamp Act.
5. Concerned about the Catholic minority in Maryland, Leonard Calvert ordered the Second Lord
Baltimore to
A. encourage members of the Church of England to become Catholics.
B. make a law requiring Catholics to practice their faith quietly and privately.
C. issue a decree requiring religious toleration in Maryland.
D. send to Europe for more Catholic priests.
6. The United States Constitution delegates police powers mainly to
A. the president of the United States.
B. Congress.
C. state and local authorities.
D. the National Guard.
7. If you came to settle on present-day New York City in about 1650, it's most likely that you're of
_______ descent.
A. Swedish
B. Dutch
C. French
D. Spanish
8. In 1775, the population of the colonies included about _______ African slaves.
A. 100,000,000
B. 500,000
C. 50,000
D. 100,000
9. In general terms, the heart of any representative democracy is
A. the Senate.
B. suffrage.
C. a legislature.
D. Congress.
10. The largest social class in Egypt or ancient Rome was made up of
A. farmers.
B. traders.
C. artisans.
D. soldiers.
11. The result of the Battle of Bunker Hill was a/an
A. inconclusive end.
B. clear victory for the Americans.
C. unqualified British victory.
D. narrow victory for the Americans.
12. Which one of the following statements is most accurate regarding the Mayflower Compact?
A. It made Plymouth a royal colony.
B. It founded the Plymouth colony under a proprietary governor.
C. It created the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
D. It gave the Pilgrims their own charter.
13. Under the English Westminster model, the highest court of appeals is
A. the House of Commons.
B. the House of Lords.
C. the ruling King.
D. a panel appointed by the prime minister.
14. What did Plato critique in his book The Republic?
A. Communism
B. Democracy
C. Isolationism
D. Socialism
15. Suppose your ancestors came from the highlands of western England and settled in the Appalachian
Mountains of present-day West Virginia. Among the waves of immigrants from England, your ancestors
probably were
A. Quakers.
B. Puritans.
C. borderlanders.
D. cavaliers.
16. After General Howe's forces defeated the Americans at Brooklyn Heights and White Plains,
Washington's strategy called for
A. cutting British forces into two parts at Trenton.
B. surrounding the British and forcing them into one location.
C. retreating to the south.
D. drawing British forces inland.
17. Washington's surprise attack across the Delaware in December 1776 resulted in a victory against
A. Hessian troops at Trenton.
B. British troops near Philadelphia.
C. British troops at Dorchester Heights.
D. Hessian troops at Princeton.
18. Suppose you work for a government agency that regulates the buying and selling in the country. Which
main purpose of government is your agency serving?
A. Settling disputes
B. Organizing work for common goals
C. Distribution of resources
D. Keeping civil order
19. Regarding the Magna Carta, which statement is false?
A. The document assured all English citizens freedom of speech.
B. The meeting of the English Barons and King John occurred at Runnymede.
C. The document required trial by a jury of one's peers.
End of exam
D. King John was forced to sign the document.
20. Imagine that you're a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses. You've submitted a proposal for a
law that requires colonial inspectors to place grades on different qualities of harvested tobacco. The law
passes, but you know it won't go into effect until it's approved by
A. a popular election.
B. the appointed governor of Virginia.
C. the Church of England.
D. the king's Privy Council.


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