Question 1 According to Ainsworth, babies who rarely cry when separated from their mothers and who often ignore their mothers when reunited would be called secure anxious avoidant insensitive 1 points Question 2 Which one of the following statements best represents the internal locus of control? I am the master of my fate I feel that I have little to do with my grades marriage is a gamble It is impossible to figure out how to please people 1 points Question 3 Lazarus found that for____, uplifts had a negative effect on emotions and psychological health women children men older adults 1 points Question 4 What kinds of people tend to have a greater internal locus of control? all of the above higher SES those with acknowledged skills those who excell in school 1 points Question 5 Maccoby agrues that gender differences are most evident in intelligence testing individual performance private conversations social situations 1 points Question 6 Uplifts are happy life events frustrating loving 1 points Question 7 According to Ainsworth, how do secure infants behave later? are more cooperative are more positive all of the above less aggressive 1 points Question 8 Maccoby found that when making choices about playmates, children prefer large groups opposite-sex partners same sex partners older partners 1 points Question 9 What is the main function of mother-infant interaction for the infant as presented by Ainsworth? allows infant to observe role model allows infant to eat an expectation of mother all of above 1 points Question 10 Lazarus found that for____, uplifts had a negative effect on emotions and psychological health women children men older adults 1 points Question 11 Which one of the following items is not among the top hassles identified by Lazarus? home mainttainence concern about weight health eating out 1 points Question 12 What trend did Rotter observe on college campuses between 1962 and 1971 regarding locus of control? college students were not rated college students became more internal college students remained the same college students became more external 1 points Question 13 According to Rotter, which one of the following statements is not correct? Ute Indian children tend to be external lower socio-ecomonic children tend to be internal high-achievement school children tend to be internal hospital patients who know many details about their medical problems are internal 1 points Question 14 What kinds of people tend to have a greater external locus of control? low achievers gamblers all of the above criminals 1 points Question 15 Ainsworth found that the most frequent and effective response to an infant's crying during the 1st year of life was to pick up the baby ignore the baby scold the baby feed the baby 1 points Question 16 Identify 3 types of attachment reported by Ainsworth secure, anxious, avoidant secure, fearful, happy secure,anxious, fearful anxious, avoidant, fearful 1 points Question 17 According to Maccoby's research concerning attraction to same-sex peers in childhood, it is true that girls find it difficult to influence boys girls enjoy rough and tumble play boys prefer to be around adults boys tend to make polite requests of girls 1 points Question 18 The irritating, frustrating, or distressing incidents that occur in everyday life are what Lazarus calls stressors life events uplifts hassles 1 points Question 19 Hassles are life events pleasant distressing happy 1 points Question 20 How stable is the tendency to have an internal or external locus of control? relatively stable not at all stable changeable by situation none of the above




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