Legal Question & Answers With APA Style
Legal Questions and Answers Following the American Psychological Association Style Guide Name Professor Introduction This paper will answer 27 Legal questions. Questions and Answers 1. Trevor takes a bottle of Coca-Cola to the cashier at the grocery store, and hands over enough cash to pay for it. The cashier hands back change, and a sales receipt showing that the Coca-Cola has been paid for. Trevor never says a thing, and the cashier never says a thing. This transaction is an example of an: A. Implied contract for the sale of goods. B. Express contract for the sale of goods. C. The implied contract for services. D. Express contract for services E. Not a contract at all 2. Paul’s car has been damaged in a car accident – caused by Denis as the driver of the other car. Paul finds out that Denis does not have liability insurance. Unfortunately, Paul does not carry “uninsured motorists” cov...